Our Business

Take-off strategy for growth

EGYREVIT mission is to accelerate the transition towards a sustainable society and our ambition is to be a global leader in sustainable engineering, design and advisory with a global reach. The strategy describes how we get there and is based on five pillars.

We are working hard to achieve our goals to be the preferred service provider of Quality Engineering and Project Management in the region and globally.
We developed an effective quality system and apply it strictly to ensure that our services meet quality international standard.

We have the highest respect for our clients to whom we one continuous success and growth.
We listen carefully to the feedback from them, and strive to satisfy their needs and expectations.

EGYREVIT makes commitments that we fully understand and believe on achieving agreed time schedule through continuous monitoring bench marking and improving our business, services, productions, organization and performance as well.

EGYREVIT takes this opportunity to introduce ourselves as one of the most ambitions leading engineering consultant companies locally, regionally and globally.
We also take pleasure in submitting our Company Pr-Qualification documents, supporting our professional contributions in this field.

Project development studies, Engineering Design ,Architectural Design ,Interior Design , Structural, Designs, BIM Services, Human Resources, Arbitration.

  • Drive growth in Engineering and Construction management indusries
  • Target remote services ensuring Quality and Trustiness
  • Lead in Engineering industry by Protecting and Creating value to our clients
  • Lead in sustainable solutions to drive impact and growth
  • Deliver best in class operations to drive growth and scalability
  • Ensuring best investment solutions to our success partners

Awesome Solutions 100% Success

Sustainability at EGY-REVIT

Sustainability is part of EGYREVIT business strategy and a prerequisite for EGYREVIT business as a whole. We connect technologies to create sustainable progress for you.

Our ambition is to safeguard successful, long-term, sustainable development for you and the company itself in balance between social, environmental and financial interests.

With more than one hundred years of experience in helping our clients to find innovative technical solutions to a multitude of problems EGYREVIT is firmly in the front rank of technical progress. We are proud of our history and what we have achieved and we are confident that we can do more together with our clients all over the world. We are prepared to take on your sustainable challenges.

By integrating the UN Global Compacts principles and the three perspectives of sustainability – Society, Ecology and Economy – in everything we do we believe that we can act as a key enabler for a more sustainable future for you and the people around you.

Let's make PARTY!

When we success .. We Celebrate

We Make It Real!




Our Projects last 5 years

Architect Design Concept
Full Design Projects
Construction Supervision CS
Project Management
Realestate Development
Human Resource / Talent Acquisition
Customer Satistfication

We Are Working for you .. All the time

That's our target .. is to achieve what you plan at the maximum level ...